
来源:TVB影视大全人气:842更新:2023-03-20 01:53:04


我们总是善于去伤害那些爱我们的人, 因为我们根本伤害不了那些不爱我们的人;我们总是甘愿被那些我们爱的人伤害,那是因为我们爱他们。

We are always so good at hurting the people who love us, because we cannot hurt those who don't. And we always let those we love hurt us, simply because we love them.


We stay in relationships because of love, not compatibility. There isn't a single person in the world who is born to fit you perfectly. No doubt it would take a great deal of effort from both parties to make a relationship work, but when two people start to gel, it would make the pain all the more worthwhile. People break up because they don't love each other enough, yet they blame it on their lack of compatibility, claiming that they are just not destined for each other are just nonsensical excuse. Persist, if you truly love each other. One cannot expect a lifetime of romance and deep connection without first undergoing painful trials and tribulations.


It is enough to give 70% of your love to someone, save the other

30% for yourself.


The way to forget a broken love is to see it for what it really is, and then end it.


Love tainted by money is like boiled rice that has turned rancid. It may look fine on the surface, but you just cannot eat it anymore.


I am your horse when we are dating. I will gladly go anywhere in the world with you. After we get married, you are at my beck and call. Since we are both horses, why don't we just love each other and roam the world together.



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