
来源:TVB影视大全人气:421更新:2023-02-06 13:03:41

什么电影能提高英语水平 三大电影推荐观看

1、《冰雪奇缘 Forzen》:迪士尼动画电影的最大特点就是口音标准且容易让人接受,该片也不例外。生词少、口音标准优美、剧情简单,对初学者来说是绝佳的入门电影。

2、《乔布斯 Jobs》乔布斯的事迹也算路人皆知了,所以他的这部传记电影是很好的用英文了解乔布斯的材料,剧情大家也比较熟,对初学者来说学习压力不大。同时,我们可以在这部影片中感受到乔布斯的演说才能和销售技巧,对锻炼英语口语也有一定帮助。

3、《歌舞青春 High School Musical》这是一部温馨活泼的高中生活电影,相信在校生学习时会会产生共鸣。不过由于该片的语速比较接近日常交流,故适合有一定英语听力基础的人学习。


花木兰被发现是女的时候 商,木兰,和师傅的对话
Ping! Whats wrong? [Mulan moves her hands to reveal blood.] Hes wounded! Get help! [Mulan sinks into unconsciousness.] Ping, hold on. Hold on.
The doctor emerges from his tent and says something to Shang, who looks disturbed and rushes inside. He looks at Mulan, who sits up in bed, her side bandaged. Shang stares at her, recognizing her as a girl. Mulan realizes her mistake and pulls the blanket back on.
I can explain!
Chi Fu:
So its true!
Chi Fu:
[yanking Mulan out of the tent and pulling her hair out of a bun] I knew there was something wrong with you! A woman! Treacherous snake!
My name is Mulan. I did it to save my father!
Chi Fu:
High treason!
I didnt mean for it to go this far!
Chi Fu:
Ultimate dishonor!
It was the only way! Please, believe me!
Chi Fu:
Shang walks over to Khan and takes out Mulans sword. The Gang of Three start to rush over to her, but Chi Fu stops them.
Chi Fu:
[to the soldiers holding Khan] Restrain him. [to the Gang of Three] You know the law.
Shang walks over to Mulan and throws the sword in the snow in front of her.
A life for a life. My debt is repaid. [to the soldiers] Move out!
Chi Fu:
But you cant just ...
[to Chi Fu] I said, Move out.
The Chinese Army sadly walks away, leaving Mulan, Mushu, and Khan in the snow.
Ive heard a great deal about you, Fa Mulan. You stole your fathers armor, ran away from home, impersonated a soldier, deceived your commanding officer, dishonored the Chinese Army, destroyed my palace! And you have saved us all. [He bows to her, and row by row, every person in the Imperial City bows to her.]
Our little baby is all grown up and saving China! [To Crickee] Do you have a tissue?
Chi Fu!
Chi Fu:
Your Excellency?
See that this woman is made a member of my council.
Chi Fu:
What? There are no council positions open, your Majesty!
Very well. You can have his job.
Chi Fu:
Wha? ... My? ... [He faints.]
With all due respect, your Excellency, I think Ive been away from home long enough.
Then take this [he hands her a pendant], so your family will know what you have done for me. And this [he hands her the sword of Shan Yu] so the world will know what you have done for China.


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