
来源:TVB影视大全人气:477更新:2023-03-19 22:39:59


If I have no knife,I can't protect you.If I had a sword,I can't hold you.——剪刀手爱德华


If you really like a person, you will know that it is impossible to sincerelywish her forever happiness and happiness.——那些年,我们一起追的女孩


Don't play mah-jongg with your mother-in-law. Don't go to bed with awoman who has more ideas than you do. Never partner with your bestfriend.——中国合伙人


You don't take the initiative, I don't take the initiative, and then ourrelationship fades away, and there's no one who can't get away from eachother, who doesn't treasure who, a turn, two worlds. In your life, there is aperson who loves you, loves you, CARES about you, and this is happiness.One man's pain is better than a man's pet. Not everyone in the world canpour out their hearts. Passing by the edge, passing by the passenger.——北京爱情故事


We have heard countless truths, but we still have a bad life.——后会无期


Not everyone can call a predecessor, and the ex is not just someone, it isthe trace that every passing person has left in your heart.——前任攻略


Holding your hand for so many years is like holding your right hand withyour left hand, but it will hurt if you cut it down.——一声叹息


When you understand that life and self are not used to overcome but to getalong with! You will understand that some things are not reasonable, butyou must believe that they are strong and you must rely on them!——少年派的奇幻漂流


Deep feelings can not withstand the interleaving of fate.——前任攻略


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