
来源:TVB影视大全人气:48更新:2023-03-20 01:43:50

Benny was the coolest hood in the City of God.班尼是上帝之城最好的流氓。

But what better place for a miracle to happen than in the City of God?有哪里比上帝之城,更适合发生奇迹?

Exu-the-Devil is the light that shines forth.恶魔指点明路。

Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be our name.我们在天上的父,愿人都遵你的名为圣。

Our will be done.愿我们的旨意行在地上 。

To change your fate, I give you my protector, boy.我把护身符送给你改运。

A picture could change my life一张照片可以改变我的人生。

Fear not the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day.他是我的避难所,是我的山寨,是我所倚靠的。

They're all robots, like this punk here.他们没血没泪,就像这小子。

Why remain in the City of God where God has forgotten you?为何留在上帝遗忘的上帝之城。

I have something which will give it to you.我有东西可以让你如愿。


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