
来源:TVB影视大全人气:159更新:2023-04-09 21:58:34

相信很多小朋友最期待的就是每周三秀场,小朋友的作文投稿太踊跃了,今天刊登的这位来自上海市华师大附属外国语实验学校金彦僖 (Essy)。作品刊发在2021年1月1日首期《上海学生英文报》T4版618期。


Let’s Save the Princess!


One evening, I wanted to play the game Super Mario on my computer. When I started the game ... Whoosh! A bright light filled up all of the room. I got very scared and shouted, “Stop! What’s the matter with this game?” But it was too late. Suddenly, I was sucked into the computer.

“Essy,” I woke up with a jerk. I saw a funny little man — Mario. “Is that you, Mario?” My eyes widened. “Of course, it’s me,” Mario said. “Essy, I need your help. I need to save the princess, but it’s a little bit difficult for me. I think we need to fight together.”I thought this was going to be fun, so I immediately agreed to help.

“Listen to me. We must try to avoid or to kill all of the dangerous monsters. Let’s go!” Mario said. As soon as could be, we rushed forward. We ran as fast as light. We knocked over three boxes and got some coins along the way. We also jumped up to eat mushrooms that could make us more powerful.

“Master! There’s a monster!” Mario yelled. He shot a fireball. I got my super water gun and aimed at the monster. A line of water shot and killed the monster! Mario was shocked, “Wow, you are a super hero, too!”

We moved on and killed a lot of monsters. Suddenly, there was a big red light ahead. I knew it symbolized the biggest monster. The giant monster was flying over our heads. Under our feet were thorns (荆棘) and lava (熔岩)! The lava spilt out and almost splashed on my feet. “Essy, be careful!” Mario screamed. Mario and I ran quickly. We kept attacking and at last killed the giant monster.

“Come on, Essy. We don’t have much time to rescue the princess. Let’s enter the castle right now ...”

“... Essy ...” I heard. “Essy, why don’t you go to bed?” I woke up to see my mom. I had fallen asleep at the computer.

“Oh, dear! It was amazing! But the princess has not been saved. Mario still needs my help.” I went straight to bed and hoped to return to my dream soon.

金彦僖 (Essy)




本文采用的是冒险小说 (Adventure Fiction) 文体。这种文体常以惊险环境为背景,描述故事人物如何克服困难、逃离危险的虚构故事。作者通过对梦境的描述,带我们走进了马里奥游戏世界,为我们展现了主人公攻克重重困难,勇敢拯救公主的冒险经历。故事人物形象生动、跃然纸上,情节惊险刺激,诠释了团队合作才能解决问题的道理。



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