
来源:TVB影视大全人气:675更新:2023-04-15 06:03:00

正文翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注明出处(视频简介)原视频2011年1月16日发布,播放数989万,2.9万人点赞,846人点踩,BGM为Ennio Morricone创作的“Deborah''''s Theme”(黛博拉之歌);另一经典插曲“Cockeye''''s song”(斜眼之歌)的收听地址见评论区)作曲者埃尼奥·莫里康内(Ennio Morricone),意大利电影配乐大师,迄今为止已经参与制作了包括《荒野大镖客》、《美国往事》在内的各国电影配乐作品400多部;赛尔乔·莱昂内(Sergio Leone),意大利导演,执导过《荒野大镖客》、《西部往事》、《美国往事》等。

评论翻译原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:yzy86 转载请注明出处

(Deborah''''s Theme评论区)1、I''''m so glad to have been born in a time when so many glorious pieces of music were available at just the touch of button; we are very lucky people.生在一个只要点一点鼠标就能听到如此多灿烂的音乐作品的时代,我是真的很高兴;我们都是非常幸运的人(回复1)We are lucky for some things, and unlucky for others, but indeed having such an amount of informations, music, movies, shows right available is a true blessing.有些事情上我们是幸运的, 在另一些事情上我们则是不幸的,但如此海量的信息、音乐、电影、演出唾手可得,实在是我们的福气。2、Two eyes are not enough to cry. Grazie Sergio Leone.两只眼睛都不够我哭的。感谢你赛尔乔·莱昂内3、If there is a nuclear war today, this is the last music that I would listen to before I perish.如果一场核战争在今天爆发,这是在我死去之前想听的最后一支曲。

9、"Old Days" Chicago before it became a killing zone.变成杀戮地带之前的那个“再不复返”的芝加哥10、My dad asked me to play this at his funeral. That''''s how beautiful this piece is.我爸要我在他的葬礼上弹奏这个曲子。这支曲就有这么美。(回复1)My brother asked the same....and we did....he wanted nothing else, no speeches, no songs, no prayers...just this piece of beautiful music.....and that’s how it was...it was beautiful....我的兄弟也给我提了同样的要求…我们也照办了…他别无所求,不要演讲,不要歌曲,不要祷告,只要这一曲美丽的音乐…然后就这样操作了…它太美了…11、When De Niro used to do good films...当时的德尼罗还能拍出很出色的电影…(回复1)Wait for the Irishman你就等着《爱尔兰人》出来吧。(回复2)This was made in like 84. He still had great roles after that...Awakenings, Goodfellas, Cape Fear, Heat etc...He was good until 2000 hit. His role in Silver Linings Playbook was good and that''''s about it. He''''ll be good in The Irishman i''''m sure.这部片子是84年左右拍的。在那之后他仍然拿出过伟大的角色…《无语问苍天》(1990)、《好家伙》(1990)、《恐怖角》(1991)、《盗火线》(1995)等等…他在2000年之前一直都很出色。他在《乌云背后的幸福线》中的角色挺棒的,情况差不多就是这样。我敢肯定他在《爱尔兰人》中会有上佳表现。(译注:回复1和回复2发自《爱尔兰人》上映的一年和半年以前。)12、Morricone is hands down one of the best composers. If you never seen Hateful 8, then i suggest you do because it shows Morricone still has it at 84 yrs young.莫内康尼轻轻松松就能跻身最杰出作曲家之列。如果你从没看过《八恶人》,那么我建议你去看看,因为它证明了莫内康尼在84岁高龄依然宝刀不老。13、I bought a box full of old VHS videos in the nineties and this movie was amongst them. Wow, what a find and I''''ve watched it loads of times. Personally, i think its one of the greatest moves made.九十年代的时候,我买了整整一盒录像带,这部电影就是其中之一。老天啊,可真是个大发现,而且我看过的遍数太多了。个人而言。我觉得它可以跻身最伟大的电影行列。14、True melancholy reveals itself in this masterpiece of Ennio Morricone. This is the sheer beauty of sadness.在埃尼奥·莫内康尼的这支杰作中,真正的惆怅兀自浮现。这是极尽纯粹的哀伤之美。

21、This song''''s kind of a double edged sword because on the one hand it''''s a beautiful piece of music that is unlike anything I''''ve ever heard before, but it also legitimately makes me feel sad and I''''m pretty much on the verge of tears everytime I hear it. I genuinely cannot find any music that makes me as emotional as this does, it''''s really a feat that cannot be beat.这支曲有点双刃剑的意思,因为它的一面是一支很美的、和我听过的任何东西都不同的乐曲,但它也能合乎情理地让我感到悲伤,而且每次听它,我都会濒临流泪的边缘。我真的找不到任何能让我如此动感情的音乐,它真的是无法被打败的伟大杰作。22、I named my daughter Deborah because of the beauty of this music and movie我给我的女儿起名为黛博拉,就因为这支曲子以及电影太过美好23、Jennifer Connolly has the most beautiful eyes I ever seen. Plus a great actress.珍妮弗·康纳利拥有我见过的最美丽的眼睛。而且还是一个伟大的女演员。24、I hear this tune every time I think of all the lost opportunities and loves in my life. Even after 30 years, this has followed me. Ah to be young again and have a second chance at it all.每次我听到这支曲,都会想起我人生中错失的那些机会和爱情。尽管已经过去了三十年,这支曲一直伴随着我。好想能重回青春,拿到第二次机会。25、This music makes me think about my family from when I was a young boy. I''''m 70 yrs. young now All the people that are gone in my life makes me sad for yesterday. This is so beautiful to listen to. Thank you so much.这支乐曲让我想到了我还是个小男孩的时候我的家人。现在我已经70岁高龄了,所有从我的生命中逝去的那些人让我为往昔感到难过。这支曲子听起来太美了。太感谢你了。(回复1)I’m only in my 40’s but I can relate :*(我才40几岁,但我能理解你的感受(回复2)I`m 55, and i also can relate too.我55岁了,我也能感同身受。(回复3)Music is the time machine where the soul hides, in the emotions音乐是时光机,灵魂藏于种种情感之中。26、Who doesn''''t see themselves in this? A lost love a lost youth? Close your eyes and think back to the heady days when you loved another. To a time when you once ruled your world... and now Ennio has brought it all back for you. Staggeringly brilliant piece of music.在这样一支曲子中有谁会看不到自己呢?一段无果的爱情,一段失落的青春?闭上你的眼睛,思绪回到你爱上了某个人时的那些醉人时光。回到那段你曾经统治着自己世界的时光…现在埃尼奥已经替你把他们都带了回来。一支绝伦到惊人的乐曲。27、The story of this love in Leone''''s movie reminds me of a girl I loved, but which I lost for being inexperienced and immature. Decades have passed but I still regret it...sometimes I even say her name.莱昂内电影中的这段爱情故事让我想到了我爱过的一个女孩,但却因为自己的缺乏经验以及不成熟失去了她。几十年过去了,我仍然为之悔恨…有时候我甚至会念出她的名字。28、Italy, italians, italian beauty, italian cinema意大利,意大利人,意大利的美女,意大利的电影(回复1)it''''s a movie about the jewish mob? isn''''t it?这部电影讲的难道不是犹太团伙吗?(回复2)it''''s the story of a band of friends who lived in a jewish poor neighborhood in the time of prohibition who grew together... the jew part is not central in the movie这故事说的是美国禁酒令时期生活在犹太贫民街区的一帮子一起长大的朋友…和犹太有关的那部分并不是该片的核心29、Even the meanest person''''s Soul would just have to be touched by a piece of music such as this......哪怕是最恶毒之人的灵魂,也一定会被如此这般的一支乐曲触动。30、"I like the stink of the streets.I like to smell it, it opens up my lungs"-Noodles Best Movie for me forever.“我就喜欢这些街道散发出的臭气。我喜欢闻它,它能盘活我的肺“——面条它在我眼中永远是最好的电影。=============================================================(Deborah''''s Theme评论区)

(回复6)what happened with and around this movie is such a crime, he worked for 16 years on in, then it gets cut down like half of its size, and all of the magic is flushed out, and people hated it. Then like ten years later it was released how Leone wanted it to, and it was loved. Such a shame.发生在这部电影身上及其周围的事情简直就是犯罪,他为这部电影投入了十六年的努力,然后它就被剪掉了差不多一半,而这样就把所有的精妙之处给勾销了,而人们恨死这种事了。然后差不多过了十年,它以莱昂内希望的样子发布了出来,然后就得到了人们的钟爱。真是人间憾事。A critic said that the cinematic release was an incoherent mess, and the proper version, the one leone intended, was the best movie of the 80''''s. The things editing can do to a movie.有个评论家说过,这部电影的公映毫无章法,乱成了一锅粥,而那个像样的版本,也就是莱昂内想要的那个版本是整个八十年代最好的电影。这就是剪辑可以对一部电影造成的伤害。(回复7)The Godfather is entirely about family and also the development of Michael, while Once Upon A Time In America is about friendship, growing up, that kind of shit really.《教父》说的全是家族的事,以及的迈克尔的发展,而《美国往事》说的是友情和长大成人那一类的东西。32、one of the most underrated movies ever, this movie, the full version 4 hours is outstanding.迄今最被低估的电影之一,这部电影,完整版本为4小时,它是鹤立鸡群的。33、It''''s not just a gangster film it has absolutely everything这可不仅仅是一部黑帮电影,它里面绝对包含了一切。34、Hans Zimmer said this was his favourite score, I can certainly hear why, so much soul.汉斯·季默说过,这是他最喜欢的配乐,而我当然能听出来这是为什么,它太有灵魂了。(译注::汉斯·季默(Hans Zimmer)出生于德国法兰克福,音乐家、电影配乐家、作曲家,曾为《雨人》、《为黛西小姐开车》、《狮子王》等电影配乐,共获得过8次奥斯卡奖提名、1次获奖)(回复1)That''''s interesting because imo there''''s a lot of soul missing from Zimmer''''s music这就有意思了,因为在我看来,季默的音乐太没有灵魂了(回复2)And he will never reach it anywhere close to Morricone.而且他想要摸到莫里康内的边是绝无可能的。35、Thank u Italy , for cinema,fashion,music,cars,pizza,sculpture,football,science.humanity without Italian couldn''''t exist感谢你意大利,感谢你们的电影、时尚、音乐、跑车、披萨、雕塑、足球、科学。没有意大利人的人类是无法存在的。36、This is the Mona Lisa of movies这是电影中的《蒙娜丽莎》37、Such a wonderful film. Every actor giving it their all, amazing cinematography, brilliant direction and one of the best scores of all time. Too bad the studio butchered it and Americans had to wait for a long time to get the full theatric version. And it''''s amazing how times have changed. Sergio Leone had about 10 hours of usable footage for this film, he edited it down to six hours and wanted to release it in two parts. The executives said no you have to edit it down to a single movie. Nowadays the executives are begging (or forcing i don''''t know) for directors to split their movies into two parts, even if there isn''''t a reason for that. And the really sad part is that we are never going to see the full product because it doesn''''t exist anymore. Sorry for the long post but it saddens me that Sergio Leone didn''''t get to bring his magnum opus to us in the fullest. A truly amazing movie no doubt but it could''''ve been even better I think.这个片子太美妙了。每个演员都用尽了全力,让人惊叹的摄影,出色的导演,加上从古到今最棒的配乐之一。很遗憾制片厂把它搞砸了,而且美国人不得不经过一段漫长的等待才能看到完整的剧场版。而且时代的更迭也非常让人吃惊。赛尔乔·莱昂内手上握有可用于这部电影的十小时时长的素材,他把它剪到六小时,希望能分成上下部来发布。然后那些领导说,没门儿,你必须把它剪成一部单集的电影。现如今,那些领导会求着(或是强制,具体的我不清楚)导演把他们的电影分成两部分,哪怕没有任何理由这么去做。而真正让人觉得悲哀的部分在于,我们永远不可能看到完整的作品,因为它再也不存在了。很抱歉我写得很长,但让我非常难过的是,赛尔乔·莱昂内还是没能把他的巨作完完整整地带给我们。这真的是一部惊艳的电影,这是毫无疑问的,但我觉得它本可以更好。38、In opinion, I enjoy it more than the Godfather我对它的喜爱甚于《教父》

44、im not saying anything bad about godfather, opposite its one of my favorite movies. all three of them. What im saying is that, its a movie after all. but Once upon a time in America. I can''''t describe how much I like this. It has amazing acting and is brilliantly constructed. Its a 269 minute trip that leaves you unsettled and satisfied at the same time. The rape scene, max and noodles relationship, masked robbery scene, dinner, just every single scene is so deep that it takes you and plunges you into the movie and leaves you there until the very end. I can go on talking about this movie forever but ill say this. Never Ever recommend this movie to another person unless you are sure that person will give it his/hers undivided attention. When people talk about this movie like they talk about Breaking bad is pissing me off. Just keep shallow people away from this masterpiece please.我并不是说《教父》有什么不好,相反它是我最喜欢的电影之一。所有三部都是。我想说的是,它不过也就是一部电影而已。可是《美国往事》,我对它的喜欢是无以言喻的。它有着惊人的演技,而且故事构建方面相当出色。这是一段269分钟的旅程,能让你的内心动荡却又同时让你得到满足。强奸那场戏,麦克斯和面条的关系,蒙面抢劫那场戏,吃饭那场戏,每一个场景都如此深切,能把你带入乃至深深陷入电影中,然后把你留在那儿直到结尾。这部电影我可以一直谈论下去,但我想说的是这个:绝不要把这部电影推荐给别人,除非你能确定那个人能全神贯注地对待它。人们谈论这部电影时就像是在谈论《绝命毒师》,这可把我气坏了。请务必不要让肤浅的人靠近这部杰作。45、Fat Moe: "What have you been doing all these years?"Noodles: "I''''ve been going to bed early"肥摩:“这些年来你都在干什么呢?“面条:“我习惯了早早上床睡觉。“Pure art真是纯粹的艺术啊。46、The Irishman brings me back to good old movie days like this one and once upon a time in west《爱尔兰人》把我带回了那个出色老电影的时代,比如这一部,以及《西部往事》47、I think this is the greatest movie of all time. If someone will ask me what is the live is, and what is the life is all about, I will say, go and see the movie "Once upon the time in America".我觉得这部是迄今最伟大的电影。如果有人要问我生活是什么,以及人生有什么意义,去看这部《美国往事》就行了。


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